Impendings Of Diabetes

What is diabetes? How to control diabetes? | Dietician Ashu Gupta

What is diabetes? How to control diabetes? | Dietician Ashu Gupta
  • Admin
  • 09-Sep-2021

Diabetes is a serious worry and widespread problem in today's society. Diabetes, including Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes, is causing havoc throughout the world and is one of the leading causes of heart disease and premature mortality. Diabetes, in addition to harming the heart and blood sugar levels, also affects the person's limbs, and in extreme cases, the limbs must be amputated.
When our bodies grow resistant to insulin or when the pancreas produces hormones in fewer than usual quantities, our blood sugar levels rise dramatically, which typically leads to a slew of problems.

When this happens, our bodies begin to exhibit a variety of symptoms, which are commonly referred to as diabetic symptoms. These symptoms might range from frequent urination at night to extreme hunger and thirst. Other symptoms include, but are not limited to, fatigue, unexpected weight loss, hazy eyesight, dry skin, or tingling sensations in the limbs. However, the consequences of diabetes are far-reaching. In many situations, the lower half of your body, particularly your feet and legs, maybe showing the oncoming effects of diabetes that you are ignoring. The following are the most obvious indications that your feet and legs may be showing:

  • A tingling sensation in the feet: While walking or moving, you may feel a tingling sensation in your feet. This feeling might occasionally cause numbness. This is due to an increase in sugar levels in your body. Numbness and tingling sensations in your limbs may also be symptoms of peripheral diabetic neuropathy.
  • No pain sensation despite injuries: Diabetic neuropathy patients may occasionally fail to perceive pain in their legs and feet despite injuries such as ulcers or any other common damage. The lack of pain feeling is the result of nerve damage induced by excessive blood sugar levels in the body.
  • The constant danger of infection: Diabetics are always at a higher risk of infection. Diabetic individuals frequently develop corns and callouses. Because of excessive blood sugar levels, poor blood circulation, and a lack of pain sensibility, injuries such as ulcers, corns, and callouses may go undetected, making them more susceptible to infection. Furthermore, the healing ability of diabetes patients' injuries is poorer than usual, which might result in the spread of infection in the surrounding tissues.
  • Discomfort in leg muscles when walking: A diabetic patient may suffer pain in the leg muscles after walking a particular distance due to decreased blood circulation. This occurs as a result of clogged arteries, which is a frequent symptom in diabetes patients and is also a key cause of the wound's delayed healing process.