7 Days Meal Plan for Sugar Detox

7 Days Meal Plan For Sugar Detox By Dietician Ashu Gupta

7 Days Meal Plan For Sugar Detox By Dietician Ashu Gupta
  • Admin
  • 26-Jul-2021

Sugar detox is a process of doing away with your sugar addiction. Excess sugar is a toxin and is addictive too. It calms the nerves and boosts the energy level for a short period. Dietician Ashu Gupta is a renowned dietician and nutritionist. She considers food as a remedy for many problems. Her approach is extremely natural and rational and has benefited many patients over the years. She suggests dietary amendments to cure many health issues, including sugar craving.

Here is an alternative 7 days diet plan to effective sugar detox.

Day 1

For the first day of breakfast, you can have 1 boiled egg, 1 white bread slice, 4 almonds, and a cup of full-fat milk. Have a cup of yogurt with tuna or tofu salad for lunch. Dinner can have half-cup of boiled Bengal gram and pumpkin soup. You can take a multigrain biscuit and apple green tea as snacks.

Day 2

The second day would begin with a cup of fenugreek water soaked overnight. Take a cup of vegetable quinoa and two almonds for breakfast. Lunch is good with boiled sweet potato, 3 oz grilled mushrooms/chicken, and half cup grilled veggies. Dinner should have lentil soup, half cup buttermilk, and one cup of sautéed vegetables. You can take a small bowl of low GI fruits with coconut water as intermittent snacks.

Day 3

You can enjoy three millet idlis with sambhar and coconut chutney half cup each or two almonds or oatmeal with fruits and nuts. Also, include one cup of green tea. Take lunch fuller with two chapattis with mixed veggies, daal, and yogurt, one cup each. Alternatively, take two tuna/chicken/mushroom lettuce wraps with veggies. Dinner will have two chapattis and one cup of yogurt. Include half cup chicken/veg curry with one cup fried okra or grilled fish/tofu with half cup quinoa. Take two almonds, ten in-shell pistachios, one boiled egg, and green tea as after breakfast snack.

Day 4

Day four starts with a delicious breakfast. Have a pancake made of egg frittata and savory Bengal gram flour, two almonds, and green tea. You can have half-cup vegetable brown rice, one-cup lentil soup, and a cup of yogurt for lunch. Dinner will have broccoli soup, three oz poached chicken/sautéed mushroom, and a cup of warm milk with turmeric. You can take a small bowl of low-GI fruit with fresh watermelon juice and two almonds for munching.

Day 5

Fifth-day breakfast will have vegetable semolina, two walnuts, and a cup of green tea. Have chicken/vegetable salad with a light dressing and black beans and a cup of buttermilk. Dinner should contain pan-grilled veggies, one cup of lentil soup, and a cup of warm milk. You can take two raisins, some toasted sunflower seed, and a bowl of low-GI fruits as a morning /afternoon snack.

Day 6

Breakfast should have four almonds, one white bread slice, one egg fried (olive oil or ghee), and half a cup of full-fat milk. Take vegetable quinoa with chicken/tofu and a cup of yogurt for lunch. Dinner will contain spinach and lentil soup, one flatbread, one bowl of salad, and a cup of warm milk at bedtime. One multigrain biscuit, half cup popcorn, and a cup of green tea would be an ideal snack.

Day 7

Day 7 will begin with avocado, egg toast with sesame seeds, and green tea. Take tuna salad/ mushroom soup and yogurt for lunch. Dinner can have 3 oz grilled fish/half cup of Bengal boiled gram with cucumber soup and yogurt. You can have four almonds, fresh orange juice, green tea, and one multigrain biscuit for snacks.

Take half a lime juice with a cup of water/a cup of fenugreek water soaked overnight as soon as you wake up. Take these two detox drink alternatively starting with lime juice on day 1.