Tips to Manage Emotional Eating

Tips to Manage Emotional Eating | Dt. Ashu Gupta

Tips to Manage Emotional Eating | Dt. Ashu Gupta
  • Admin
  • 09-Jan-2024

Many people struggling with emotional eating, And This usually happens when they eat foods according to feeling instead of hunger. Here are some advices which can be used to control emotional eating of person.


Determine Triggers:

Simply be mindful of circumstances, feelings, or any other emotion that causes you to become upset. To stop emotional eating, you should keep a thorough record of these trigger points.


Differentiating Between Emotional and Physical Hungry:

Consider whether you're actually physically Feeling hungry before grabbing for food, or if it's only an emotional craving. If its only craving it will lead to over eating.


Use alternative Coping Mechanism:

Find alternative methods for handling stress, boredom, or other emotions. Start doing yoga, writing in a journal, deep breathing, meditation, or other such practices. which will work as mood changer for you, So you can avoid Emotional eating.


Establish a Support Network:

Talk to a therapist, your family, or friends about how you're feeling. Having a support network can help reduce the need to turn to food for solace and offer emotional support. A person should share their feelings with friends, family.

A support system can provide emotional support and decrease the need to turn to food for comfort.


Engage in Mindful Eating:

Chew gently, enjoy each bite. Observe the taste, texture, and aroma of your food. Avoid multitasking when you're eating and focus on enjoying your food. which will prevent you from over eating.


Create Healthful Routines:

Set up a schedule for frequent meals and snacks. This can lessen the chance of impulsive, emotional eating and help you control your appetite.


Use Healthy Snacks:

Have a supply of satisfying, healthful snacks in your kitchen. In this manner, you'll be eating healthier when you do eat while you're upset.


Maintain Hydration:

Water is your best beverage throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst is confused with hunger.


Use Stress Reduction Techniques:

Include stress-relieving exercises in your everyday routine, like yoga, meditation, or a fun hobby.


Wait On Before Eating:

You should calm yourself and try to avoid focusing on your emotional trigger point, to prevent you from emotional eating. Consider whether you are indeed hungry or whether there is an emotional trigger that requires your attention.


Use positive opinions:

Make a list of encouraging statements to remind yourself that you are worthy and making progress outside of the eating world.


Seek Expert Assistance:

If emotional eating becomes an ongoing problem, it is suggested to get help from a therapist or counsellor. who focuses in behavioral changes and emotional eating.